® How-to and promotional videos

 A customized 1979 CBX1000. Note the wire wheels.
This was a top end repair: cylinder bore and deck, valve job with stainless steel valves, and more.

 A 1981 CBX1000 that got carburetor and miscellaneous other work.
The customer and I rescued this machine from a shop that had, among other things, put one of the carb's floats in upside-down!

A 1975 Honda Gold Wing after rebuilt carburetors and other work.
Not a how-to video, this shows the results of rebuilt carburetors on the Honda GL1000. Are your carbs working this nice?

A 1982 Honda CBX after rebuilt carburetors and other work.
Not a how-to video, this shows the results of rebuilt carburetors on the Honda CBX. Wouldn't you like your carbs to work like this?

 Another 1982 CBX after rebuilt carburetors. This one was recently serviced by a well-known carb rebuilder. Was pretty messed up.

 CBX starting and warmup.
This is a customer's 1981 CBX. This video focuses on how a properly set up CBX has such a wonderfully linear choke function. Check it out.

Installing CBX Carburetor Choke Springs
Getting the springs onto the choke actuating rods correctly with as little fuss as possible. Not a difficult job by any means, but also not one that is intuitive to everyone. Feedback welcomed.

Adjusting Carburetor Float Level
Adjusting the float level on a Keihin VB series carburetor, in this case, a CBX. The best way, the best tool, step by step. Enjoy. Feedback welcomed. The special tool shown in the video may be purchased here.

Installing the Choke Spring, Honda Four Cylinder
Hooking the spring properly, not difficult, just a little tricky. Applicable to SOHC as well as DOHC. Hope you find it useful. Feedback welcomed.

Removing Gold Wing Manifolds
How to get the manifolds off despite their being as hard as rocks, and without tearing either them or the carburetors up. Feedback welcomed.

Servicing Foam Air Filters
The proper cleaning and installation of foam type air filters. Not complicated, naturally, but despite that a few important things need to be done right. Feedback welcomed.

Shimming the Needles on Metal Piston Keihin Carbs
The right way so the needle isn't jammed solid in the slide, or the needle set screw frozen with thread locker or munged up with pipe thread tape. Feedback welcomed.

Removing Keihin Pilot Screw Flags
The right way to adjust the idle mixture (pilot) screws on VB series Keihin carburetors having emissions-spec anti-tampering flags on them. Feedback welcomed.

Removing the slide bumper inserts on VB series Keihin carburetors.
Not exactly intuitive, but effective and safe on the parts. There are other ways, of course. But this one is my favorite. Feedback welcomed.

How to remove the slide needles to adjust needle height on the venerable SOHC Honda 350F, 400F, 500 Four and 550 Four
Easy to do, you will agree. Just takes a little finesse. Check it out and let me know what you think.

How to remove the slide needles to adjust needle height on the SOHC Honda 750
Somewhat tricky, but not too bad. Feedback is welcome.

How to attach the throttle and choke cables to the carburetors on your CBX.
A ticklish job at any time. This should make it a little easier for you. Feedback is welcome.

 The truth about draining carburetors
A little video on the idea of draining carburetors as part of bike storage. The bottom line is simple draining is not enough.

 CB500 four start and run
Just a quick look at how nicely this model can run when well set up. Enjoy!

 A customer's GL1500 after carburetor rebuild.
Great throttle response. Cell phone video.

There are more videos on my YouTube channel. Here is the link. YouTube channel

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© 1996-2021 Mike Nixon