Almost every CBX that comes into my shop has damaged threads in its engine hangers and in the frame, requiring thread restoration. Clearly, something isn't being done correctly.
Virtually every CBX I see in my shop has has its engine mounts improperly tightened. Those familiar with the bike know that removing and replacing the upper main and mid engine mounts (hangers) is a common and frequent maintenance task. It is necessary to lower the engine to remove and replace the carburetors for cleaning/rebuilding. And even a valve adjustment involves removing the main hangers (though not engine tilting). Thus the hangers come in for more than their share of mishandling. Whether reinstalling the engine or just the hangers, thread all the bolts in using a jack to take weight off them temporarily. Once all the bolts are thread in easily by hand, and before removing the jack, tighten the rearmost, main, bolt first, then the large hanger bolts, then the small ganger bokts. Don't overtighten. After everything is tight, remove the jack.